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自然科学史研究  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (1): 19-36    
陈久金1, 王荣彬2
1.中国科学院 自然科学史研究所,北京 100190;
2.中国民主同盟中央委员会,北京 100006
A Newly Discovered Set of Twelve Constellations of the China Zodiac
CHEN Jiujin1, WANG Rongbin2
1. Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100190, China;
2. Central Committee of China Democratic League, Beijing 100006, China
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摘要: 中国古代既然有十二星次的概念和分法,就应该有相应的十二星次图,但以往研究者未曾见到过十二星次图。本文作者意外地在中国科学院自然科学史研究所图书馆发现了一个手抄本《星经天文图说》,其中有完整的十二次星图以及北极星图、南极星图等。该书的后半部分为三垣二十八宿体系的星占。文章介绍了这个手抄本,认为该手抄本大约成书于1875年,作者应是罗秀。罗秀很可能是汉中西部的褒水一带人,生活在同治到光绪年间。从书中星图的大致情况来判断,它们可能是作者借助清代初年的某种星图作为底图制作的。本文还初步探讨了十二星次与二十八宿的关系,以及十二星次图的演变。
关键词: 十二星次图手抄本《星经天文图说》    
Abstract: In ancient China, since there was the concept and classification of the so called twelve constellations of the Chinese zodiac, there should be corresponding maps of them. However, scholars have never previously found such maps. The author of this paper stumbled upon a manuscript, named Xingjing tianwen tushuo (星经天文图说, Illustrated Explanations of the Stars and Routes of the Heavens), in the library of the Institute for the History of Natural Science, CAS. Included in it is a set of the constellations of the Chinese zodiac, as well as the constellations of the North Pole and the South Pole. The latter part of the text concerns the astrology of the 3 Enclosures and 28 Lunar Lodges system. This paper introduces the manuscript, and argues that its author should be Luo Xiu. The first draft of the manuscript was completed in about 1875. Luo Xiu was probably from the western Hanzhong region of Shaanxi, and lived during the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods. Judging from the general nature of the astronomical maps in the manuscript, it was probably made based on catalogues dating to the early Qing Dynasty. The evolution of the Chinese zodiac, and the relationship between them and the 28 Lunar Lodges system are also discussed.
Key words: Twelve Constellations of the Chinese Zodiac    the manuscript    Xingjing tianwen tushuo (星经天文图说, Illustrated Explanations of the Stars and Routes of the Heavens)
收稿日期: 2019-11-15 出版日期: 2022-01-27
ZTFLH:  N092  
作者简介: 陈久金,1939年生,江苏金坛人,研究员,主要研究方向为天文学史。王荣彬,1964年生,安徽六安人,研究员,主要研究方向为中国古代数学史、中国古代数理天文学史,Email:。
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陈久金, 王荣彬. 新发现的一组十二星次图[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2021, 40(1): 19-36.

CHEN Jiujin, WANG Rongbin. A Newly Discovered Set of Twelve Constellations of the China Zodiac. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2021, 40(1): 19-36.


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