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自然科学史研究  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (1): 91-104    
吕鹏, 纪志刚
上海交通大学 马克思主义学院 科学史与科学文化研究院,上海 200240
The Reason for Setting the Intercalary Month and the Method for Determining the Positions of the Sun and Moon in the Vedic Calendar
LÜ Peng, JI Zhigang
School of History and Culture of Science, School of Marxism, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
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摘要: 吠陀历或者说吠陀支天文学是印度在公元前9世纪时发展出的一套天文历算体系。与5世纪后深受希腊影响的印度中世历法不同,它与吠陀教仪轨关系密切,有着很强的印度本土特色。对于吠陀历的研究从19世纪末开始,但至今还有诸如置闰缘由和细节、日月位置算法的推导和证明等问题有待解决。本文以20世纪初印度学问僧德维韦丁所给梵语底本和注释为基础,围绕四种时间尺度概念说明吠陀历是什么后,再对上述未解决问题试做回答,认为置闰法和印度传统月名系统有关,日月位置算法中的入宿度和星宿对应表可以通过“三量法-库塔卡方法”加以推导和证明。总的来说,吠陀历数理特征明显,即相对于天象观测,它更重视历的数学构造和计算,是一部偏理想化的历法。
关键词: 吠陀历置闰法日月位置推算库塔卡    
Abstract: The Vedic calendar, called the Vedāngajyotisa, is a mathematical astronomy system that appeared in about the 9th century BC in India. Different from the Indian Siddhānta astronomy, which is greatly influenced by Greek astronomy, Vedāngajyotisa astronomy is intimately related to Vedic ritual, and can be regarded as Indian native astronomy. Studies on the Vedic calendar began at the end of the 19th century, nevertheless many questions remain unanswered, such as the reasons for, and the detail of, the setting intercalary month, the derivation and verification of the calculation of determining the positions of the sun and the moon, etc. Based on the Sanskrit texts and commentary given by Dvivedin, a Pandit at the beginning of the 20th century, this paper explains what the Vedic calendar is by means of the concept of the four measures of time, and then discusses the above-mentioned outstanding questions. The setting of the intercalary month is related to the Indian traditional naming of months, while the correspondence of bhāmśas to naksatras, which is for determining the positions of the sun and the moon, can be derived from and verified by the trairāśika (Rule of Three) and the kuttaka (Pulverizer) method. Actually, the Vedāngajyotisa is an idealized calendar, for it emphasizes mathematical structure and calculation instead of real observation of the heaven bodies.
Key words: Vedic calendar    setting of the intercalary month    determining the positions of Sun and Moon    kuttaka method
收稿日期: 2019-06-10 出版日期: 2022-01-27
ZTFLH:  N09  
基金资助: 中国博士后科学基金“基于梵语文献的印度吠陀历研究”(项目编号:2018M630436)。
作者简介: 吕鹏,1983年生,上海人,助理教授,主要研究方向为印度数学史和天文学史,Email:。纪志刚,1956年生,江苏邳州人,教授,主要研究方向为数学史和中外数学文化交流史。
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吕鹏, 纪志刚. 吠陀历中的置闰缘由及日月位置推算方法[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2021, 40(1): 91-104.

LÜ Peng, JI Zhigang. The Reason for Setting the Intercalary Month and the Method for Determining the Positions of the Sun and Moon in the Vedic Calendar. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2021, 40(1): 91-104.


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