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自然科学史研究  2021, Vol. 40 Issue (2): 161-174    
乔尚孝, 潜伟
北京科技大学 科技史与文化遗产研究院,北京 100083
A New Discussion on the Co-fusion Process
QIAO Shangxiao, QIAN Wei
Institute of Cultural Heritage and History of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
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摘要: 中国古代在生铁冶铸技术基础上建立了发达完善的钢铁冶金技术体系,灌钢便是其中非常重要的一环。本文梳理了与灌钢有关的文献记载,认为早期的灌钢工艺往往以制作高品质刀剑为目的,目前所见最早的直接记载灌钢的文献出于唐代苏游,宋代与明代的详细记载表明灌钢工艺经过一定程度的简化与改进。本文认为,目前被判定为灌钢的样品可能并非合格的灌钢产品,模拟实验对理解灌钢样品显微结构特征的变化有着重要意义。从更深层的角度考虑,灌钢与中国古代以“和”为核心的哲学思想密切相关。在古文献及文物考古资料的基础上深入进行模拟实验,并对实验结果进行科学分析,可能为深入认识灌钢工艺提供新的途径。
关键词: 冶金史灌钢生铁坩埚钢技术思想    
Abstract: On the basis of cast iron smelting technology, an excellent iron and steel metallurgical technology system was established in pre-modern China, among which the co-fusion process was a very important part. This paper reviews historical records related to the co-fusion process, and holds that the purpose of early co-fusion was often to make high-quality swords. The earliest direct record of the co-fusion process is Su You (苏游)'s record of “guan gang (灌钢, co-fusion process)” from the Tang Dynasty. Many detailed records of co-fusion from the Song and Ming dynasties show that this technology had been simplified. At present, there is a lack of understanding of the microstructure characteristics of co-fusion process samples, with some judged to be the result of the co-fusion process when they are not. Considered from a deeper perspective, the co-fusion process can be seen as closely related to the ancient Chinese philosophy of “he (和, harmony)”. Simulation experiments and scientific analysis of the experimental results may provide a new way to further understanding of the co-fusion process.
Key words: History of metallurgy    co-fusion process ( guan gang, 灌钢)    cast iron    crucible steel    technological thought
收稿日期: 2020-03-08 出版日期: 2022-01-27
ZTFLH:  N092  
基金资助: 国家社科基金重大项目“中国冶金史”(17ZDA178)。
作者简介: 乔尚孝,1992年生,山西大同人,博士研究生,主要研究方向为冶金史;潜伟,1972年生,江西赣州人,院长、教授,主要研究方向为冶金技术史、工业遗产、科技与社会,。
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乔尚孝, 潜伟. 灌钢工艺新探[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2021, 40(2): 161-174.

QIAO Shangxiao, QIAN Wei. A New Discussion on the Co-fusion Process. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2021, 40(2): 161-174.


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