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自然科学史研究  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (1): 35-52    
北京外国语大学亚洲学院,北京 100089
Adaptation and Continuity in the Early Translation of Buddhist Astrology from India to China
ZHOU Liqun
School of Asian Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089,China
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摘要: 汉译佛经《虎耳譬喻经》等文献中保存了印度天文学的主要元素,如星宿占卜的体系、术语、历法知识、日影数据、仪器设计等。保留的同时,它们也根据自然环境和社会文化传统对原文进行因地制宜的改变,如某些文本加入了中国地名,或使用了中国的季节划分和历法数据。从翻译风格来看,天文学翻译尚质为主,直译与意译相结合。译场进行团队合作,用归化与异化统一结合的策略来进行翻译。翻译作品既包含受知识精英欢迎的数理天文内容,也包含容易在老百姓中传播的计时仪器和简单占卜。文章借用“五失本”、“五不翻”等佛教翻译方法论,从星宿特性、历法计时、星占卜辞等方面切入,分析汉传佛教早期天文学翻译中的变与不变,进而探讨古代跨文化交流中传播者所采取的适应性策略,并尝试分析何种科学文本能得到有效的传播。总体来看,知识传播策略的纵向启发是,具有普世价值的知识和技术能够在文化交流中保存下来;知识传播策略的横向启发是,与传入国或地区的本土文化实现共鸣的外来知识和技术能更好地实现融合。
关键词: 佛教天文学翻译变与不变《虎耳譬喻经》    
Abstract: Chinese translations of the Buddhist astrology text Śārdūlakarn·āvadāna and other scriptures preserved the main elements of Indian astronomy, such as terminology, divination by naka-s·tras, the Hindu calendar, solar shadow data, instrument design and so on. Within this continuity, the original text was changed according to the natural environment and social and cultural traditions. For example, some texts added Chinese geographical names, or used Chinese seasonal divisions and calendrical data. From the perspective of translation style, the astronomical translations were mainly based on quality, combining literal and free translation. The translation team, hosted by some renowned monk scholar, cooperated and used the strategy of a unified combination of domestication and foreignization when translating. The translated works included both mathematical and astronomical content popular with intellectual elites of the time, as well as describing timing instruments and simple divination technique that could be easily disseminated among the common people. This article uses the Buddhist translation methodologies, such as the “five kinds of lost originations” and “five principles not to translate”, to analyze continuity and adaptation in the early astronomical translations of Han Buddhism in terms of the characteristics of the stars, calendar timing and astrology. It then explores the adaptive strategies adopted by translators in cultural exchanges, and attempts to analyze which scientific texts could be effectively disseminated. Overall, it concludes that the longitudinal inspiration of a knowledge communication strategy is that knowledge and technology with universal value can be preserved in cultural exchanges, and that the horizontal inspiration of a knowledge dissemination strategy is that foreign knowledge and technologies that resonate with the local culture of the target country or region can be better integrated.
Key words: early translation    Buddhist astrology    India    China    continuity and adaptation
收稿日期: 2019-08-08 出版日期: 2022-06-17
ZTFLH:  N092  
基金资助: 2018年度国家社会科学基金冷门“绝学”和国别史等研究专项“梵藏汉佛经中的时间测量文献整理与研究”(项目编号:2018VJX034);2017北京外国语大学卓越青年教师项目(项目编号:2017QZ001)
作者简介: 周利群,1984年生,湖南省张家界人,讲师,主要研究方向为天文学史、佛教文献、中印关系史。
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周利群. 变与不变:早期汉传佛教文献的天文学翻译[J]. 自然科学史研究, 2020, 39(1): 35-52.

ZHOU Liqun. Adaptation and Continuity in the Early Translation of Buddhist Astrology from India to China. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(1): 35-52.


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