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Studies in the History of Natural Sciences  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (1): 1-23    DOI:
Transnational Scientific Competition during the Early Republic of China: A Case Study of the Mission Paléontologique Française
1. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049, China;
2. University of International Relations,Beijing 100091, China
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Abstract  Geology was one of the first institutionalized modern disciplines during the early Republic of China. Under the influence of the hypothesis of the Asian origin of modern humans at that time, the north part of China became an arena for scientists from different countries to compete in search of ancient human sites. Among them, Swedish, American and French scientists played a major role. This article mainly focuses on the foundation of the Mission Paléontologique Française, explicating the complicated transnational scientific activities and ensuing priority disputes. It also analyses how V. K. Ting seized the initiative in the competition, and how French geologists made use of the Catholic network to participate in the early development of Chinese geology within the context of international academic competition.

Key wordsMission Paléontologique Française      V. K. Ting      E. Licent      P. Teilhard de Chardin      J. G. Andersson      Priority     
Received: 04 December 2019      Published: 22 June 2021
ZTFLH:  N092  
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HAN Qi, CHEN Mi. Transnational Scientific Competition during the Early Republic of China: A Case Study of the Mission Paléontologique Française. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(1): 1-23.

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