A History of China's Early Participation in International Geological Conferences: Reflections on the Relationship between Scientific Discourse and National Identity
Abstract Initially organized by European geologists at the end of the 19th century, the International Geological Congress is now the largest and most influential academic gathering in the field of geological studies. Records of China’s participation in the Congress date back to the 10th International Geological Congress in Mexico City held in September 1906. Subsequently, China sent official delegates to the 11th International Geological Congress in Stockholm in 1910, and the 12th International Geological Congress in Toronto in 1913. Based on relevant historical and archival materials, this paper provides a historical review of China’s early participation in the International Geological Congress, focusing on the attending delegates, whose identities have remained largely unknown to this day. Taking the International Geological Congress as a window, this paper examines the history of the development of geology in China in the early 20th century, and reflects on the relationship between scientific discourse and the construction of national identity in China at a time when the country was under the dual pressure of foreign invasion and internal turmoil.
WANG Xiulu. A History of China's Early Participation in International Geological Conferences: Reflections on the Relationship between Scientific Discourse and National Identity. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(1): 98-110.
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