Dog Sacrifice and the Battle against Epidemics: Recalling Fighting Epidemics Prior to the Qin Dynasty |
LIU Siliang |
School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, Shanghai 200240,China |
Abstract From the Shang Dynasty to modern times the Chinese people have had the custom of sacrificing dogs (known as “splitting dogs”), a practice that includes primitive recollections of how they sought to fight against epidemics. The ancient Chinese regarded dogs as loyal, alert, and vigorous night-guardians. These features were related to noxious miasma, epidemics, supernatural things, etc., and as a result sacrificing dogs was considered to be able to ward off such things. The significance of this custom became richer over time. Through study of the records contained in both received texts and excavated documents, the ancient Chinese understanding of and measures to combat epidemics can be illuminated. Experiences from this custom, such as “preventive treatment of disease”, “using one kind of qi (气) against one kind of disease” and emphasis on conversion of disease syndromes, can still be used for reference.
Received: 15 June 2020
Published: 17 June 2021
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