Research on the Manuscript and Block-printed Editions of Ikai Yoshihiro's Shiji Lishu Guankui |
LÜ Guannan |
Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China |
Abstract The Japanese scholar Ikai Yoshihiro (猪饲彦博)'s Shiji lishu guankui (史记历书管窥,A Preliminary Study on the Calendar Treatise of the Historical Records) is an important study of the Shiji lishu (史记·历书,The Calendar Treatise of the Historical Records). It is known mainly via citations in Takigawa Sukenobu's Shiji huizhu kaozheng (史记会注考证,A Synthetic Annotation and Study of the Historical Records), however, Takigawa's citations are so scattered (only 15 entries, less than 1/4 of the whole book) that they do not show the overall achievements of Ikai's work. The author has found two editions of the Shiji lishu guankui, that is, the manuscript kept at the Hakodate Library in Hokkaido, and the block-printed edition kept in the Japanese National Diet Library. These are of great value in studying changes from the manuscript to the block-printed edition, findings that are beneficial for evaluating the broader significance of the Shiji lishu guankui.
Received: 25 September 2019
Published: 27 January 2022
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