From Shuyipian to Runan Pushi:A Case Study of Ancient Agricultural Book's Productive Process in Ming Dynasty |
GE Xiaohan |
School of History,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China |
Abstract Shuyipian (The Art of Trees) is a manuscript copy of the Huashi (History of Flowering Plants), and also an original source for the Runan pushi (A History of the Gardens of Runan). Therefore, Shuyipian records some basic historical materials on agronomy in the Ming dynasty. In this text, we can find advice about ways to obtain agronomy knowledge, such as to collect and read books, travel and communication, interviews and practice. Furthermore, in Shuypian and Huashi, the writer pays more attention to the introduction of knowledge, and to a certain extent displays a literati identity. Runan pushi absorbs these two characteristics in its writing, and further systematizes knowledge on agronomy. In short, the process of the compilation of agricultural books in the Ming dynasty not only drew on experiences of daily life, but also originated from the reworking of existing texts.
Received: 06 September 2018
Published: 17 June 2022
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