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Studies in the History of Natural Sciences  2020, Vol. 39 Issue (3): 288-306    DOI:
Restoration and Simulation Experiments on the Song Dynasty Level
YI Degang1, ZHANG Zhongyuan2, YANG Yayu2
1. College of Humanities of Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China;
2. Institute for the History of Science and Technology,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Huhhot 010020,China
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Abstract  The splendid architectural achievements of ancient China are inseparable from level measurement technology. The Wujing zongyao and Yingzao fashi are the earliest and most complete works that graphically illustrate and explain the level in pre-modern China, the graphics and text do no match exactly. Despite many years of archaeological excavations and fieldwork, finds of levels and associated objects are still rare. Based on previous research, the original literature was used to recreate a Song Dynasty level, and related simulation experiments were carried out. The error precision was compared with that of amodern optical level.

Key wordslevel      restoration      measurement technology      Song Dynasty     
Received: 13 November 2019      Published: 22 June 2021
ZTFLH:  N092  
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YI Degang, ZHANG Zhongyuan, YANG Yayu. Restoration and Simulation Experiments on the Song Dynasty Level. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(3): 288-306.

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