Soil Surveys in Modern China from the Perspective of Communication between China and America: A Case Study of the University of Nanking and the Geological Survey of China |
SONG Yuanming |
University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083,China |
Abstract In 1930, the Department of Agricultural Economics of Jinling University (later to become the University of Nanking), which supported by the Institute of Pacific Relations, launched the Chinese land-use survey project, thereby initiating the prelude to a large-scale soil survey in China. Under the careful planning and efforts of John L. Buck, Director of the Department, and John H. Reisner, who was the former head of the Department of Agriculture and Forestry, Charles F. Shaw, a professor of soil science at the University of California, was invited to China and became the first western scholar to preside over the project. Because of the problem of follow-up funds, Jinling University drafted the first national soil survey plan and submitted it to the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture for a grant. Seizing the opportunity and making best use of its advantages, the Geological Survey of China successfully took over the soil survey work from Jinling. It established a Soil Science Department with the support of the China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture, cooperated closely with Jinling, and successively hired Robert Larimore Pendleton and James Thorp to come to China. In the end, the Geological Survey, with its mature mode of operation, gave full play to the role of western scholars, and in just a few short years realized the great development of soil science in China.
Received: 09 May 2020
Published: 17 June 2022
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SONG Yuanming. Soil Surveys in Modern China from the Perspective of Communication between China and America: A Case Study of the University of Nanking and the Geological Survey of China. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(3): 355-367.
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