AbstractNanyao shenxiao (The Magical Efficacy of Southern Medicines) is an old Vietnamese book on medicine written in Chinese, one that holds an important position in the history of medical development in Vietnam. Through a comparison of Chinese materia medica books, such as Nanyao shenxiao, Bencao gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) and Yaoxing fu (Poem on Medicinal Properties), it can be seen that its understanding of drug classification, processing and efficacy is deeply influenced by Chinese works, which it frequently selects from and refers to. Combining these with the characteristics of Vietnam's own climate, it forms its own branch of traditional Vietnamese medicine, which has great commonality with the Chinese medicine system. This form of “extraterritorial acceptance” expanded the influence of Chinese materia medica in the Han cultural zone, promoting the transmission and promotion of Chinese medicine, and enables us to understand Chinese traditional medicine in a broader context.
YANG Lina, CHEN Liyun. A Study on the Characteristics of Documented Drugs in the Ancient Vietnamese Medical Book The Magical Efficacy of Southern Medicines. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2020, 39(3): 378-386.