New Research on the Junshu,a Branch of Mathematics in the Early Period of Ancient China |
ZOU Dahai |
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100190, China |
Abstract Junshu(均输, lit. equality-based transport) was an important branch of mathematics in ancient China, and is specifically discussed in Chapter 6 of the Chinese mathematical classic, Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures. There are many outstanding issues still to be discussed and problems in existing studies on the origins of junshu in mathematics and its relationship with the economic policies of junshu. This article uses the increasingly abundant excavated documents and extant received works to conduct a more systematic and in-depth study on the development of the junshu in mathematics in the early period of ancient China. The article provides a new generalization of the characteristics of the junshu chapter of the Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures, and points out that the term “junshu” has a much broader meaning than “fair burden,” that the composition of the chapter exhibits a high degree of consistency, and that the inclusion of the mathematical problems is deliberately done by the editors and not a random arrangement. The article proves that both types of junshu in mathematics and economics have their origins in the pre-Qin period and the Qin dynasty. Though the 5 junshu problems in the extant versions of the Nine Chapters on Mathematical Procedures and 1 junshu problem in the Suanshu(算术, Mathematical Procedures) on the Western Han dynasty bamboo slips unearthed from Shuihudi were finalized in the Western Han dynasty, they should have their prototypes in the pre-Qin period and Qin dynasty. Evidence from the Shu(On Numbers) of the Qin bamboo slips preserved at the Yuelu Academy (岳麓书院) and the Suanshu shu(算数书, Book on Numbers and Computation) of the early Han bamboo slips unearthed from Zhangjiashan (张家山) indicate that some of problems 5-28 of the chapter are likely to have existed during the period from the Warring States to the early Western Han Dynasty, so there is no necessity for them having had to have been inserted in the chapter until the middle of the first century BC by Geng Shouchang.
Received: 02 August 2020
Published: 17 June 2021
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