Basic Science Research: Concept-based Historical Analysis |
ZHANG Jiuchen |
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100190, China |
Abstract Basic science research is a concept that emerged after the institutionalization of science. Although there is no unified definition for it at present, it often appears as a concept grouped together with applied research, technology development, social welfare research, etc. As one of the most important concepts of science and technology, basic science research has many in aspects, such as science and technology policy, science and technology systems, science and technology planning and programs, subject classification, scientific research activities, academic achievements, etc. Starting from the aspects of science and technology policy and social context, this paper investigates changes in its meaning and usage, and analyses perceptions of it in different historical periods. From the application of basic science research in policy and practice, this paper clarifies the impact of this concept on the enterprise of science and technology. It also focuses on analyzing the social intention behind its implementation, reflecting the development and policy trends of science and technology in contemporary China from a different perspective.
Received: 10 January 2019
Published: 21 June 2021
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