Textual Research on the Term "Jiandang Guan" in the Xiyuan Jilu |
HAN Jianping |
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China |
Abstract The meaning of the term "jiandang guan" in the Tiaoling(Regulations) section of the work on Xiyuan Jilu(Collected Records of the Washing Away of Wrongs) is not clear. To date, scholars have generally taken it to refer to fixed appointment and temporary officials. However, this paper demonstrates that historical materials indicate that "jiandang guan" indicated a fixed appointment official. Relevant research by scholars of the history of the Song dynasty shows that "jiandangguan" were mainly state or county officials in charge of commercial tax collection and special commodity monopolies in cities and towns. This paper further reveals that the "jiandang guan" who functioned as temporary acting coroners stipulated in the Tiaoling section should be limited to county officials in charge of economic affairs.
Received: 23 August 2018
Published: 21 June 2021
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