International Collaboration During China's Anti-Schistosomiasis Movement in the 1950s: Visit of the Japanese Schistosomiasis Delegation |
YAN Yiwei |
Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100190,China |
Abstract The Schistosomiasis Control Program in China was a mass political movement led by the Communist Party of China in the early years of the People's Republic of China. In view of the accomplishment of Japanese researchers in the etiopathology and control measures of the disease, the Chinese Medical Association, serving as proxy for the government, invited a Japanese delegation of five parasitologists to visit China in 1956. The visit was made possible with the backing of Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, when bilateral contact of China and Japan was dominated by nongovernmental activities in the absence of any official diplomatic relations. The Japanese delegation spent two months in China's schistosomiasis infected areas around Guangzhou, Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai and Wuxi, carried out research work and clinical experiments in collaboration with fellow Chinese scholars, and gave a series of lectures concerning the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Head of the delegation, Yoshitaka Komiya, submitted a report at the end of the tour, in which suggestions were offered on the grounds of their previous experiences and current observations. The article was later published in the Chinese Medical Journal. The influence of the visit won acclamation in a few English research papers, a situation in sharp contrast to the almost total neglect of it in Chinese research. Having put together information from archive documents, medical publications in Chinese, English and Japanese, writings by Komiya himself as well as other pertinent records, this paper looks back on the whole course of the visit with an emphasis on its medical side.From these viewpoints, it is argued that the visit of the Komiya delegation was not so influential as to have changed the general policy and goal of China's anti-schistosomiasis movement, but the Japanese experts did play an indispensable role in sharing with the Chinese hosts their rich practical expertise, helping the latter to solve difficult problems, all the time exhibiting good-will and genuine sincerity. Measures proposed by the delegation were soon adopted in Chinese prevention works. The visit of the Japanese Schitosomiasis Delegation thus proved to be an example of beneficial and productive international cooperation in a particular historical setting.
Received: 26 June 2019
Published: 21 June 2021
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YAN Yiwei. International Collaboration During China's Anti-Schistosomiasis Movement in the 1950s: Visit of the Japanese Schistosomiasis Delegation. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2019, 38(3): 257-277.
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