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Studies in the History of Natural Sciences  2019, Vol. 38 Issue (4): 405-439    DOI:
Astronomical Instruments, Diplomacy and the Scientific Community: The Looting and Return of the Peking Ancient Observatory's Instruments
CHOU Wei-chiang
Department of Rare Boobs and Historical Documents, Taipei Palace Museum, Taipei 11143, China
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Abstract  Among the acts of plunder of Chinese cultural relics by foreigners in modern history, the looting of the astronomical instruments of Beijing (Peking) Ancient Observatory was perhaps the most dramatic. Looting by German and French troops stationed in Beijing began on December 2, 1900. Their actions not only embarrassed the multinational forces, but also were immediately reported by the British and American press across the world. France returned the instruments to China under international pressure, but Germany insisted on retaining them, and transported the relics to the garden at Sanssouci in Potsdam. They were later moved to the Orangerieschloss nearby. It was not until 1919, after the end of World War I, that the astronomical instruments were returned to China under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. The looting and return of the astronomical instruments of the Beijing Ancient Observatory was a complex international political event. There are still many uncertainties surrounding the incident. This article intends to clarify some of these uncertainties using recently discovered details from historical archives and newspapers.

Key wordsAstronomical Instruments      Beijing Ancient Observatory      American Astronomical Society      German Reichstag      Paris Peace Conference (1919)      Treaty of Versailles     
Received: 20 June 2019      Published: 21 June 2021
ZTFLH:  N09  
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CHOU Wei-chiang. Astronomical Instruments, Diplomacy and the Scientific Community: The Looting and Return of the Peking Ancient Observatory's Instruments. Studies in the History of Natural Sciences, 2019, 38(4): 405-439.

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119 Germany forced to Return Scientific Instruments Stolen from the Chinese[N]. The Portsmouth Daily Times, 1919-05-24: 3.
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122 Obituary[J]. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, 1931,(4088): 465~466.
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125 Restoration of The Astronomical Instruments[N]. The Canton Times, 1920-02-28: 8.
126 德将还我天文仪器[N]. 中外新报, 1920-03-27∶8.
127 Our Own Correspondent. Peking's Stolen Astronomical Instruments: Coming Back To China[N]. The North-China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, 1920-03-20: 758.
128 Restore Astronomical Instruments to China[N]. The Times, 1920-07-06: 8.
129 世界路透电: 各国近事记[G]//《申报》影印本. 第165册. 上海: 上海书店, 1983. 192.
130 德归还中国天文仪器问题[N]. 晨报, 1920-07-12∶2.
131 Restore Astronomical Instruments to China[N]. The Shanghai Gazette, 1920-07-12: 6.
132 The Astronomical Instruments[N]. The Shanghai Times, 1920-07-12: 5.
133 China's Astronomical Instruments: On Their Way Home[N]. The North-China Herald And Supreme Court & Consular Gazette, 1920-07-17: 161.
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135 Peking's Astronomical Instruments: En Route To[N]. The Shanghai Times, 1920-07-16: 2.
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137 Gen. Chang Warns That He Will Seize Peking; President Hsu Tries to Stop Army Uprising[N]. The New York Times, 1920-07-16: 14.
138 德国送还天文仪器[N]. 益世报, 1920-07-16∶3.
139 德国送还天文仪器之近说[N]. 民意日报, 1920-07-16∶3.
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141 Yate A C. The Astronomical Instruments of Peking (To The Editor of The "Spectator")[N]. The Spectator, 1920-7-17: 78.
142 The Peking Astronomical Instruments: Arrive By Nankal Maru[N]. The Canton Times, 1920-08-17: 6.
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144 日本将拦夺我天文仪器[N]. 晨报, 1920-08-14∶3.
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155 Loot is Returned to China[N]. Chico Record, 1921-11-15: 2.
156 Campbell W W. Return of Astronomical Instruments to China[J]. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1921, 33(195): 272~273.
157 留德归国后之天文仪器[N]. 益世报, 1921-10-10∶3.
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